Gobeithir y bydd pob disgybl yn gwisgo gwisg ysgol gan ei bod hi’n cyfrannu at berthyn i’n cymuned. Mae’r ysgol yn cymryd archebion ac mae ffurflenni priodol ar gael o’r swyddfa.
Os gwelwch yn dda, a wnewch chi sicrhau eich bod yn ysgrifennu enw eich plentyn yn glir ar bob dilledyn, er mwyn treio osgoi colli dillad. Anogir y disgyblion i beidio â gwisgo gemwaith i’r ysgol am resymau diogelwch. Serch hynny, caniateir oriawr a studs, os mae tyllau ganddynt yn eu clustiau.
Fe ddylai’r plant Meithrin gadw set o ddillad sbâr, gyda’u henwau arnynt, yn yr ysgol, rhag ofn iddynt gael damwain yn ystod y dydd.
A.G / Chwaraeon: Dylai’r plant ddod â siorts, crys T a trainers (eto, gyda’u henwau arnynt) i’r ysgol ar y diwrnod priodol.
Merched Bechgyn
Sgert lwyd Trowsus llwyd
Crys polo gwyn neu farŵn Crys polo gwyn neu farŵn
Cardigan / siwmper marŵn Siwmper marŵn
Yr Haf - Ffrog gingham Yr Haf – siorts llwyd
Esgidiau du addas Esgidiau du addas
It is hoped that all pupils will wear the school uniform because it adds to the sense of belonging to the school. The school takes orders for the uniform. Forms are available from the office.
Please ensure that every item of clothing your child wears is clearly labelled with their name. Some activities will involve getting changed and labels help to avoid any mix up. Children throughout the school are encouraged not to wear jewellery, as it is dangerous and can get lost. However, we do allow a watch and “studs” if their ears are pierced, although these will not be allowed during PE lessons.
Nursery children should bring a complete change of clothes, which is to be kept at the school in case of any accidents etc, these must be clearly labelled.
P.E./GAMES: Trainers, shorts and T-shirt should be clearly labelled and brought to school on the appropriate day.
Girls Boys
Grey skirt Long grey trousers
White or maroon polo shirt White or maroon polo shirt
Maroon cardigan / jumper Maroon jumper
Summerr – Gingham dress Summer – grey shorts
Appropriate black shoes Appropriate black shoes