Datganiad Gweledigaeth
“Cenedl Heb Iaith, Cenedl Heb Galon”
Yn yr ysgol hon rydym yn sicrhau defnydd o’r iaith Gymraeg ac ymestyn pob unigolyn i gyrraedd ei lawn botensial mewn awyrgylch hapus, diogel a deiniadol.
Nodau ein hysgol
Ceisio’n ein gorau glas
Amcanion yr Ysgol
Cynnig i bob unigolyn gwricwlwm sgiliau sydd yn eang, cytbwys, yn berthnasol i’w hangenion er mwyn iddynt gyflawni eu gwir botensial.
Creu awyrgylch hapus, ddiogel er mwyn symbylu dysgu effeithiol lle mae’r dysgwyr yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu dysgu eu hunain.
Annog unigolion i fod yn aelodau cyflawn a gwerthfawr o’r gymdeithas.
Creu perthynas gref rhwng rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned er lles y dysgwyr.
Paratoi y plant at y cam nesaf yn eu haddysg ac mewn bywyd.
Creu ymwybyddiaeth gref o Gymreictod a meithrin balchder yn yr iaith.
Datblygu disgyblion sy’n arddangos hunan-barch a pharch at bopeth o fewn yr ysgol a’r gymuned ehangach.
Vision Statement
Nation without Language
Nation without a Heart
In this school we ensure the use of the Welsh language and stretch every individual to reach their full potential in a happy, safe and attractive environment.
School Values
Cymreictod (Welshness)
Cwrteisi (Courtesy)
Caredigrwydd (Caring)
Ceisio’n ein gorau glas (Always doing our best)
Aims of the School
Offer each individual a skills based curriculum that is wide, well-balanced and is relevant to their needs in order for them to achieve their true potential.
Create a happy, safe environment in order to inspire effective learning where the learners take responsibility for their own learning.
Encourage individuals to be full and valuable members of society.
Create a strong relationship between parents, governors and the community for the welfare of the learners.
Prepare the children for the next stage in their education and in life.
Create a strong awareness of Welshness and nurture a pride in the language.