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Croeso i Ddosbarth Dewi / Welcome to Dosbarth Dewi


Mae plant oedran derbyn a meithrin yn ein dosbarth ni. Miss Perry a Mrs Geraint (ar ddydd Gwener fel arfer) yw'r athrawon a mae Miss Roberts a Miss Pugh yn cynorthwyo.


We have reception and nursery aged children in our class. Miss Perry teaches Monday to Thursday, and Mrs Geraint teaches (usually on a Friday). The classroom assistants are Miss Roberts and Miss Pugh.

Diwrnod Trwyn Coch / Red Nose Day

Diwrnod y Llyfr! World Book Day

25/02/2021 - Wythnos hwyl yn yr ysgol! A fun week in school!

                               Ionawr 2021

Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf tra bod gatiau yr ysgol ar gau mae gweithgareddau i'r plant ar Google classroom, dosbarth Dewi. Gallwch gadw mewn cysylltiad gyda ni yno a rhannu gwaith eich plant. Hefyd gallwch gysylltu gyda ni trwy ebost ( os oes angen unrhyw gymorth arnoch.

During the next few weeks, while the school gates are closed, there are activities for the children on Google classroom, dosbarth Dewi. You can keep in touch with us there and share your child's work. You can also contact us by email ( if you need any help or support.


                                                         Nodyn i rieni / Note to parents

Cofiwch fod hwn yn amser unigryw ac anarferol i ni i gyd. Peidiwch a phoeni am y dasg o addysgu eich plentyn. Y peth pwysicaf yw cadw pawb yn saff ac yn iach a sicrhau fod ein plant bach yn hapus smiley Mae'r plant lleiaf yn dysgu bob dydd drwy chwarae a chyfathrebu felly cymrwch y cyfle yma i chwarae gemau, rhannu profiadau, sgwrsio, canu a dawnsio.Cofiwch gadw'n heini hefyd a mwynhau awyr iach. 


Remember that this is a unique and unusual time for us all. We appreciate all your efforts while your child is at home but don't worry about the task of educating your child. The most important thing is to stay safe and well and ensure that our young children are happy smiley. The youngest children learn everyday through play and communication so take this opportunity to play games, share experiences, chat, sing and dance. Remember to keep fit as well and enjoy some fresh air.


Diolch yn fawr 


03/12/2020 - Paratoi am y Nadolig! Christmas preperations!

26/11/2020 - Penblwyddi! Birthdays - Wythnos brysur yn arsylwi ar iรข, trefnu rhifau, addurno cacennau i'r wal a ffurfio llythrennau! A busy week looking at the frost, decorating cakes for the wall, ordering numbers 1-5/1-10 and forming letters and words!

Sanau od / Odd socks 20-11-20

17/11/2020 - Hwyl yn y glaw! Fun in the rain!

13-11-20 Plant mewn angen / Children in need

11/11/2020 - Dydd y Cofio - Rememberance Day

13/10/2020 - Didoli dillad yr Haf/Gaeaf - Sorting Winter and Summer clothes.

8/10/2020 - Wythnosau cyntaf - Dosbarth Dewi - Our first weeks!

07/10/2020 - Hwyl a sbri yn yr awyr agored! Fun and games outdoors!


Tymor yr Haf / Summer Term 2020


Gobeithio eich bod i gyd wedi mwynhau gwyliau'r Pasg a'ch bod yn saff ac yn iach ac yn barod am fwy o heriau dyddiol. Hope  you all enjoyed the Easter holiday and that you're keeping safe and well and ready for more daily challenges!


Nodyn i rieni / warcheidwaid . Note to parents / guardians.

Cofiwch fod hwn yn amser unigryw ac anarferol i ni i gyd. Dydy e ddim yn sefyllfa normal a dydyn ni ddim yn disgwyl i chi addysgu eich plentyn yn yr un  ffordd a fydde ni yn yr ysgol. Peidiwch achosi unrhyw straen i'ch plentyn neu eich hunan os nad yw'r plant yn awyddus i wneud y gweithgareddau awgrymedig. Y peth pwysicaf yw cadw'n saff ac yn hapus a chreu atgofion hyfryd fel teulu. Gwariwch amser yn mwynhau cwmni'r plant, chwarae gemau, rhannu profiadau, sgwrsio, canu a dawnsio smiley. Unwaith bydde ni nôl yn yr ysgol gall yr athrawon edrych ar sut i symud y plant ymlaen yn addysgol.

Remember that this a unique and unusual time for us all. It is not a normal situation and we do not expect you to educate your child in the same way as we would in school. Don't cause stress for your child or yourself if they do not engage in the suggested activities. The most important thing is to stay safe and happy and create positive memories as a family. Spend time enjoying the children's company, play games, share experiences, chat, sing and dance smiley Once we are back in school the teachers will look at how to move your child on educationally.

    29/06/20 - 17/07/20

Wrth i'r ysgol ail-agor i rai disgyblion fe fydda ni i gyd yn dilyn y thema o 'Iechyd a Lles' am yr wythnosau nesaf. Ni fydd tasg dyddiol yn cael ei gosod ond rydym wedi cynllunio gweithgareddau isod ar gyfer pob oedran ar iechyd a ffitrwydd am y pythefnos nesaf. Y nod yw i chi ddewis o leiaf un gweithgaredd bob dydd i wneud gyda'ch plentyn adref. Byddai'n dda os gallwch ddewis rhai o wahanol focsys ar y cynllun i gael profiad o wahanol feysydd o'r cwricwlwm. Mae'r rhain yn weithgareddau ymarferol y dylai'r plant eu mwynhau a gan eich bod yn addysgwyr adref profiadol erbyn  hynsmiley byddwch yn gallu dewis gweithgareddau sy'n addas i oedran a diddordebau eich plentyn. Am unrhyw ymholiad neu wybodaeth pellach gallwch gysylltu gyda fi trwy ebost neu neges destun.

As the school reopens to some pupils we will all be following the theme of 'Health and Wellbeing' for the next few weeks. There will be no daily tasks set but we have planned activities below for all ages for health and fitness for the next two weeks. The aim is that you choose at least one activity a day to do with your child at home. It would be great if you could choose some  from different boxes on the plan to cover different  areas of the curriculum. These are practical activities that the children should enjoy and as you are all experienced home-schoolers by now smiley you will be able to choose activities that are appropriate for your child's age and interests. For any queries or further information you can get in touch by text or email

Cynllun wythnos / Plan for week 13/07/20 - 17/07/20 

       Newidiadau / Changes

Dydd Gwener 26-06-20

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Her heddiw - peintio carreg
Task for today - paint a pebble.

Dydd Iau 25-06-20

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Her heddiw - llun a stori
Task for today - picture and story

Dydd Mercher 24-06-20

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Her heddiw - chwarae rol lawr ar lan y mor.
Task for today - role play at the seaside

Dydd Mawrth 23-06-20

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Her heddiw - adeiladu trac i bel / marblen
Task for today - build a ball / marble run

Dydd Llun 22-06-20

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Her heddiw - gem ddyfalu, amcangyfrif a gwirio
Task for today - guessing game, estimate and check

Dydd Gwener 19-06-20

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Her heddiw - symud fel anifeiliaid
Task for today - move like animals

Dydd Iau 18-06-20

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Her heddiw - gwneud mwgwd anifail
Task for today - make an animal mask

Dydd Mercher 17-06-20

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Her heddiw - helpu
Task for today - be helpful

Dydd Mawrth 16-06-20

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Her heddiw - synau anifeiliaid
Task for today - animal sounds

Dydd Llun 15-06-20

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Her heddiw - chwilio am anifeiliaid
Task for today - Let's look for animals

Dydd Gwener 12-06-20

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Her heddiw - parti penblwydd
Task for today - birthday party

Dydd Iau 11-06-20

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Her heddiw - edrychwch ar y stori i weld beth sy'n digwydd i'r lindysyn llwglyd Iain.
Task for today - look at the story to see what happens to the very hungry caterpillar.

Dydd Mercher 10-06-20

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Her heddiw - creu creadur bach
Task for today - make a minibeast

Dydd Mawrth 09-06-20

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Her heddiw - taith trychfilod
Task for today - bug hunt

Dydd Llun 08-06-20

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Her heddiw - Gwneud gwenyn
Task for today - Build a bug

Dydd Gwener 05-06-20

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Her heddiw - mabolgampau. Ar eich marciau, barod, ewch!
Task for today - sports day. โ›น๐Ÿ…. On your marks, get set, go!

Dydd Iau 04-06-20

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Her heddiw - lliwio
Task for today - colouring.

Dydd Mercher 03-06-20

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Her heddiw - chwarae rol, pobl sy'n helpu.
Task for today - role play, people who help us.

Dydd Mawrth 02-06-20

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Her heddiw - Dwi'n gweld gyda'n llygad bach i.......
Task for today - I spy with my little eye.......

Dydd Llun 01-06-20

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Her heddiw - llinell amser
Task for today - timeline

Dydd Gwener 22-05-20

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Her heddiw - Appiau Cymraeg
Task for today - Welsh Apps

Dydd Iau 21-05-20

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Her heddiw - tynnu llun ffrindiau
Task for today - draw a picture of friends

Dydd Mercher 20-05-20

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Her heddiw - chwarae rol, gwersylla.
Task for today - role play, camping.

Dydd Mawrth 19-05-20a

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Her heddiw - sgiliau pel, rholio
Task for today - ball skills, roll

Dydd Llun 18-05-20

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Her heddiw - gemau rhif
Task for today - number games

Dydd Gwener 15-05-20

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Her heddiw - gem Dydd Gwener, 'Gaf i.....'
Task for today - family fun Friday, game 'Find me.....'

Dydd Iau 14-05-20

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Her heddiw - suddo, arnofio, gwneud cwch.
Task for today - sink, float, make a boat.

Dydd Mercher 13-05-20

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Her heddiw - patrymau
Task for today - play with patterns.

Dydd Mawrth 12-05-20

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Her heddiw - sioe bypedau
Task for today - puppet show.

Dydd Llun 11-05-20

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Her heddiw - diwrnod darllen
Task for today - relax and read.

Dydd Iau 07-05-20

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Her heddiw - cadw'n heini a mynd am dro.
Task for today - keep fit. Watch Heini on S4C, go for a walk and count the rainbows ๐ŸŒˆ Stay safe.

Dydd Mercher 06-05-20

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Her heddiw - gwned lolipop ia.
Task for today - make an ice lolly.

Dydd Mawrth 05-05-20

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Her heddiw - trafod a chofnodi 'Sut wyt ti'n teimlo?'
Task for today - discuss and record 'How do you feel?'

Dydd Llun 04-05-20

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Her heddiw - siapiau. Enwi, torri, creu llun.
Task for today - shapes. Name, cut out, create a picture.

Dydd Gwener 01-05-20

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Her heddiw - defnyddio toes i greu a dawnsio yn y disgo.
Task for today - use playdough to create and have a little dough disco. (Search 'dough disco' on YouTube)

To make dough;- mix cup of flour, half a cup of salt, add water slowly to right consistency.

Dydd Iau 30-04-20

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Her heddiw - jig so
Task for today - jigsaw

Dydd Mercher 29-04-20

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Her heddiw - chwarae rol, caffi.
Task for today - role play, cafe.

Dydd Mawrth 28-04-20

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Her heddiw - dyfalu drwy deimlo. Beth sydd yn y bag?
Task for today - find out by feeling. What's in the bag?

Dydd Llun 27-04-20

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Her heddiw - ffeindio, adnabod ac ysgrifennu rhifau.
Task for today - find, recognise and write numbers.

Dydd Gwener 24-04-20

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Her heddiw - Dydd Gwener gwisgo. Dewiswch eich dillad a gwisgwch yn annibynnol.
Task for today - Fancy dress Friday. Dress up or down and try to do it all independently.

Dydd Iau 23-04-20

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Her heddiw - chwarae cuddio.
Task for today - hide and seek.

Dydd Mercher 22-04-20

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Her heddiw - hwyl a sbri gyda swigod.
Task for today - fun in the sun with bubbles.

Dydd Mawrth 21-04-20

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Her heddiw - creu ac adeiladu.
Task for today - use any construction toys to make an object or create a model with stuff from the recycling bag.

Dydd Llun 20-04-20

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Her heddiw / Task for today
Cyfri / Counting. Count any objects, see what number you can count up to. Count some treats at the end of the day ๐Ÿ˜Š

Mwynhewch y gwyliau / Enjoy the holiday ๐ŸŒˆ

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Y plant yw'r athrawon / The children are the teachers.

Parents, it's your day off๐Ÿ˜€ Revisit some of the tasks we have done, ask your child to teach you some Welsh. Be good and have a great day! 

Dydd Gwener

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Gwneud cerdyn Pasg / Make an Easter card.

Dydd Iau

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Chwarae rol - siop / Role play - shop.

Look at size, colour, number on coins and make rubbings in homework book.

Dydd Mercher

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Amser stori  a edrych ar lyfrau, darllen i dolis / tedis, tynnu llun.

Story time - look at books, read to dollies / teddies, draw a picture or write a story in homework book.

Dydd Mawrth

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Cerddoriaeth - canu, dawnsio, chwarae neu gwneud offeryn. 

Music Monday ๐ŸŽถ - Sing, dance, play or make instruments. Find songs  on Cyw website or 'Caru Canu' on youtube. 

Dydd Llun

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Dydd Gwener gemau.

Get out the games - board games, pack of cards, Kim's game, Simon says, hopscotch. Have fun! ๐Ÿ˜€

Dydd Gwener

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Paratoi picnic  / Prepare your lunch and make a picnic. Remember to make healthy choices and maybe just a little treat ๐Ÿ˜‰. Eat outdoors if you're able to and enjoy the sunshine.

Cadwch yn saff ac yn iach ๐ŸŒˆ

Dydd Iau

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Glanhau'r  Gwanwyn - amser  i dacluso a golchi

Spring clean - sort and tidy toys, tidy the bedroom, give things a good wash with lots of bubbles. Take advantage of the sunshine and spread everything out to dry or peg on the line. Remember to sort and count as you work.  

Dydd Mercher

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Tynnu llun ac ysgrifennu enw / In homework book draw a picture of 'me' , remember to add detail of hair, eyes, nose and smiley face ๐Ÿ˜Š. Then write name - remember to form letters correctly. 


Dydd Mawrth

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Her heddiw / Task for today

Sgiliau pel / Ball skills ,- throwing, catching, kicking, bat and ball.

Dydd Llun

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Crempog / Pancakes

Tost a the / Tea and toast

Ionawr iachus - cadw'n heini, cawl a ffrwythau / Healthy January - keeping fit, soup and fruit

Nadolig Llawen / Happy Christmas

Cinio Nadolig / Christmas dinner

Ymwelydd heddiw / Today's visitor! ๐ŸŽ…

Pwmpen / Pumpkin

Wythnos brysur! / Busy week!

Paratoadau'r parti / Party preparations

Parti penblwydd 30 / 30th birthday party
