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Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol / School Development Plan



Ein Blaenoriaethau Gwella/Our Improvement Priorities



     Cwricwlwm i Gymru - parhau i ddatblygu a mireinio'r cynllunio a'r       gweithdrefnau asesu a thracio cynnydd


Curriculum for Wales – continue to develop and refine the planning and assessment procedures and track progress


Dysgu ac Addysgu - datblygu strategaethau addysgu ymhellach er mwyn sicrhau cyfleoedd i ddisgyblion gydwetihio a gwneud penderfyniadau am eu dysgu


Teaching and Learning - further develop teaching strategies in order to ensure opportunities for pupils to work together and make decisions about their learning.


     Codi Safonau Llafar


      Raise standards in Oracy


     Arweinyddiaeth - parhau i ymwreiddio arweinyddiaeth ar bob lefel


      Leadership - continue to embed leadership at all levels




Crynodeb o'r Cynllun Gwella Ysgol / Summary of School Improvement Plan
